Secondary News

Religion and Values Department

The Day of Dialogue, was a day where Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism) all met up to talk and discuss questions they had. It was interesting to find out that other religions did not think that Muslims would be facing discrimination. It was interesting to find out how all three religions were able out understand and relate to similar practices. It was a great day to answer questions and make many new friends.- Seray

While the day of dialogue is a gathering of religions and to learn from each other. So it was a weird at attend it when I followed no religion but regardless I made irreplaceable friends and have learned things that will never be forgotten.-Anthony

Although I am not very religious, The Day of Dialogue was a very informative and unforgettable experience for me. We were able to answer and discuss many open-ended questions that were important to our faith. One of the questions I was able to think deeply about was “what are the challenges you face about being your faith?” Well my answer wasn’t the same “discrimination” and “stereotype” because when I am living in Australia for 13 years, I never faced any racism based on my faith. – Sam

The Day of Dialogue, an unforgettable day. I met all kinds of different people and learnt so much about their religion and culture. I felt honoured to use my voice for a powerful purpose, to educate the young individuals participating in the event about what Islam really means and what we Muslims actually stand by. I loved answering the many questions they had about Islam and addressing the misconception they had about it. – Madina


Year 9 Drama Excursion-

On 17th July Year 9 & 10 Drama students (boys) attended a performance of the play Storm Boy directed by Colin Thiele and performed by the Melbourne Theatre Company.

The play explored the themes of father and son relationships, belonging, love, coast land environments and letting go. The use of puppetry on stage was highly effective. The pelicans were made from metal, wire and other materials and were manipulated by actual puppeteers on stage along with the other actors. The puppeteers were able to work seamlessly with the other actors and it was a real ensemble performance. It was a beautiful interpretation of the script and story and highly emotive.

The students had never seen anything like it before and were very affected and impressed by the performance.

All the students conducted themselves in a mature fashion and were excellent ambassadors for the college. Two members of the public congratulated me personally on the behaviour and conduct of the students.

It was a very enjoyable experience for both staff and students and I would personally like to thank, Juan Hill for accompanying me on the excursion.

Kathryn Nightingale- Drama and Senior English teacher